Holy Family Congregants Put Their Faith Into Action

Holy Family Congregants Put Their Faith Into Action


Last week Holy Family Church of South Pasadena stepped up during this immensely difficult time by collecting and donating 30 boxes of fresh produce and 20 large bags of toys for our families and youth of all ages!

Huge thank you to Marlene Moore, Director of Community Services, and Cambria Tortorelli, Parish Life Director, for their leadership and effort coordinating such a large and generous delivery.

Our families were blown away by the quality, variety, and sheer amount of the offerings!


9083 Rows of Data? No Problem!


Over the last 10 weeks, three UCLA undergrads spent more than 60 hours volunteering virtually with Imagine LA, through a new partnership with the UCLA Center for Community Learning. They tackled some important tasks while staying Safer at Home, including collaborating on a major database cleanup project and researching potential community partners in our target geographies.

"Having experienced homelessness during my youth, I was really motivated to volunteer with Imagine LA," says Monika Lagarejos, a 2nd year Biology major.

Monika put her passion into action by combing through more than 9,083 rows of data, identifying 1,690 contacts needing our attention, and manually double-checking the information of 1,201 contacts.

"Helping Imagine LA ensure their information is accurate was a valuable experience and helped me understand what the back end of running a nonprofit really looks like!"

Go Bruins!


Imagine LA’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic


Imagine LA Times - June 2020