Mentee of the Month - July 2020

Congratulations to Claudia, July's Mentee of the Month!

When Claudia and her two teenage children enrolled with Imagine LA in September 2018, she was working at a nonprofit in South LA. Claudia loved her job and felt fulfilled supporting her community, but her position was grant-funded. Knowing that her employment had an expiration date, along with the challenges of raising two teens and transitioning out of homelessness, was anxiety-provoking.

In March 2020, after years of hard work and dedication in her job, Claudia was finally promoted! She loves her new role and is growing personally and professionally in it.


In the same month as her promotion, the COVID pandemic hit, and Claudia and her family quarantined. Now juggling two major life transitions, Claudia not only had to learn her new role, but also how to do it remotely!

This adjustment period was not easy, and as for many of us, her learning and adapting continues. But four months into this "new normal," Claudia is thriving in her new position and as a leader in her department.

When asked how Claudia has coped with all these changes, Vanessa Monroy, her Imagine LA Family Team Manager said, "When faced with challenges, Claudia is brave and faithful. Her belief in her abilities and her community has given her the strength and courage to see the light during her darkest moments. She is a fierce advocate for her family and for herself, and has truly learned how to own her voice."

Claudia, you inspire us every day to face our challenges head-on, and not to be afraid when the going gets tough. Congratulations on being named Imagine LA's July 2020 Mentee of the Month!


Imagine Hope - July 2020


Imagine LA’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic