Meet our March Mentor of the Month – Dave Randolph!

Dave & King at Imagine LA’s Winter Wonderland Event.

In a world where connections are often fleeting, it's rare to find a relationship that can last a lifetime – but when spending time with Dave and his mentee, King, it’s clear to see that is the kind of relationship they are growing together.

At first, when Dave was matched as King’s mentor, he wasn’t sure he would be able to keep up with him. He recounts, “They [Imagine LA’s Mentoring Coordinator] said, ‘He’s young and he’s got a great energy, just like you.’ And I thought, ‘Now wait a second – at the time I was 25 and King was 7 – I’m not that young.’”

But when they met and started playing together, he found that he really was a great fit for King. Dave taught King how to play baseball, and is always willing to join in any game or activity King wants to play. He finds himself inspired by King’s creative ideas and zest for life.

Dave took King to the beach in July. “He literally stood there, ran towards the ocean, and away from it – as if the waves were chasing him – for at least 2 hours.” As the day went on, they had a snack, talked for a while in the sand, and then drove home. While driving home, King went on abouut how much fun he had. “Now personally, I thought that was just a simple day, but his mom told me recently that he wishes we could hang out all the time and looks forward to it every month. Again, to an 8-year old, running away from the waves like they were a monster is a great day. So hearing that from his mother, that was special. It shows how you're important to someone, and in turn they then become important to you.”

Dave noted how King reminds him of himself as a kid. He believes in King’s bright future, and wants to be as much of a positive influence on him as he can be – to point him in the right direction in life, just like his mom does.

Dave has words of advice for anyone who wants to get involved in mentoring:

“Definitely do it. I’ve tried to get involved in other programs in L.A. before, and this has been the best one by far. If you’re questioning whether or not to get involved, just try it out… The thing about Imagine LA that’s different from any other program is that you really feel like you’re making an impact. Not only in your mentee’s life, but also your own life.”

Thank you for your volunteer service, Dave!


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